Home arrow Editorial arrow Latest arrow 2005.09.23 - blueCAPE prefers open-source software

2005.09.23 - blueCAPE prefers open-source software PDF Print E-mail

blueCAPE's Chief Information Officer Nelson Marques stated the company's preference for Open Source software. In his own words:

"The Open Source philosophy fits blueCAPE's business model, where added value arises by knowledge transfer. With this kind of aproach, we can tailor the software to our needs and increase the productivity and response times. Also, due to its virtually null TCO, it allows us to concentrate our financial resources where they are really necessary. We believe this approach holds a great promise for future. We not only use but intend to activily help in the development of some of these tools"

Among the tools with a daily use at blueCAPE's workshop are the compiler suite GCC, the revision system CVS and the visualization software Paraview. At the office, productivity is assured by tools like the CRM software SugarCRM, the dtp Scribus or the OpenOffice suite. The infrastructure is assured by the Linux distributions SuSE and Debian.

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