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2012.10.15 - blueCAPE NP4457 Certification PDF Print E-mail

SGS' Certified Client Directories

blueCAPE became certified according the norm NP 4457:2007 by SGS for "Research, Development and Innovation in Software and Consultancy in CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics)".

The NP 4457 is a Portuguese standard for the certification of a "Research Development and Innovation Management System" based on a model of innovation supported by the interaction between scientific/technological knowledge, organizational knowledge as well as markets and society in general.

We are quite happy with this certification since it represents for us the public recognition of our successful work with past and present customers. The implemented system will allows us to improve our effectiveness while striving to present innovative solutions to our customer needs, thus better serving them.

We searching for our certification, look for the following information:

  • Certification ID: PT12/04130

  • Company name: Blue Cape

  • Country: Portugal

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