Home arrow Editorial arrow News arrow 2011.12.15 - blueCFD 2.0-1 Product/Service Released

2011.12.15 - blueCFD 2.0-1 Product/Service Released PDF Print E-mail

blueCAPE is proud to officially present blueCFD, the updated service package available upon request, of a high quality cross-compiled build version of OpenFOAM® 2.0.x (November 28th), for Windows XP, Vista and Seven, 32 and 64bit, with some additional tweaks, executables and scripts, in order to maintain usability under a Windows environment.

We are also proud to present our new open source project: blueCFD-SingleCore. There you'll also find our fully free and open source subset of blueCFD. Keep in mind that this project is still under development, but both the installer and source code are already available!

For more information about blueCFD, go to the product page here. If you purchased blueCFD 1.7 after the 16th of June 2011, you can jump directly to the download area here.

Online shop is available here. If you are located in Japan, please contact our partner InnTech.

For release notes, go here.

For known working tutorials, go here (updated on the 27th and 28th of November, 2011).

For instructions on how you can cross-compile OpenFOAM 2.0.x on your own... they aren't written yet. Place for them is available here and the code is already accessible at the blueCFD-SingleCore project.

For any questions about blueCFD and/or blueCFD-SingleCore, please refer to our page Frequently Asked Questions about blueCFD or contact us directly through our contact page.

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