2014.06.23 - Technology preview of viscoelasticFluid solver and cfMesh |
blueCAPE is proud to announce that we have now made available a technology preview of two more software packages for blueCFD®-Core 2.3:
The viscoelasticFluid solver, utilities and tutorials was present in blueCFD-Core 2.0 and 2.1, but it wasn't available in blueCFD-Core 2.3-1 when it was released.
Currently both packages are only provided to our clients that have access to blueCFD-Core 2.3, who can now download the source code tarball from the blueCFD-Core 2.3 download area. Installation instructions are provided in the download description.
Note: Our modifications to the package cfMesh will be released in git form in the near future on the blueCFD project at Github, ready to be built with most versions of blueCFD-Core.