
Welcome to blueCAPE's webpage!

It is not unheard off to find "beauty" and "Fluid Dynamics" in the same sentence. Fluid Dynamics, as anyone who has ever worked on this field knows, is a deep and challenging topic. Rewarding too, in direct proportion to the difficulty of the non-linear problems that it contains, while providing satisfaction even at an aesthetical level. It has, thus, drawn the attention of some of the foremost minds throughout the ages, from da Vinci to Newton, from Euler to von Neumann.

More importantly for us, Fluid Dynamics is at the center of key technologies, products and processes which are essential to our present-day civilization. From transportation to lodging, practically all aspects of modern human life benefit from - some, indeed, depend upon – Fluid Dynamics phenomena in one way or another.

This explain why in the XXth century, after the Industrial Revolution, Fluid Dynamics has come of age. No longer did its leading scientists dealt with it on a part-time basis. The labour of expanding the knowledge in the field became a full-time endeavour, with whole careers spent inside offices and labs. Prandtl and von Karman come to mind, but there are countless others, as money started to be poured into something that proved so critical.

These efforts, successful as they were, fuelled the need for a more general tool to study and understand the problems posed by Fluid Dynamics. This tool, however, had to wait for other scientific disciplines to become mature enough to allow its full power to be felt. Naturally, we are talking about computer simulation of transport processes, which is what Fluid Dynamics really is. With time, this tool became known as Computational Fluid Dynamics, or CFD.

Potentially cheaper than analytical approaches and even more general than experimental methods, CFD combines the best of both strategies to surpass them, becoming a useful and competitive tool both for industrial R&D and fundamental research.

Just imagine: if we got where we are today - for the most part - without the help of CFD, where can we reach using it?!

Just imagine: where can YOU reach?!

For blueCAPE, CFD is serious business and we have the means and the knowledge to make you reach that bright future.

Feel free to browse our website and contact us in case of need: it will be our pleasure to reply.

With best regards,
The blueCAPE team.



Software Development :: Allow us to help you with your software projects of physics simulation for Mechanical and Civil Engineering. For example, software for simulating the propagation of forest fires.  [more]

Automatic optimization :: improve your products and manufacturing processes using one of many automatic optimization softwares, capable of coupling with most commercial CAE packages available. [more]

:: through Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations, we provide our costumers with detailed multi-physics analysis of fluid flow, heat transfer and stresses in complex geometries for enginnering processes, using dedicated tools like STAR-CCM+, STAR-CD and STAR-DESIGN. [more]
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