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The latest news from blueCAPE
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2018.02.27 - blueCFD-Core 2017-2 (64-bit) Installer now available 11191
2017.11.03 - blueCFD-Core 2017-1 has been released 8520
2017.09.08 - blueCFD-Core 2016-2 (64-bit) Installer now available 8234
2017.02.06 - FS Dynamics acquires a majority stake in blueCAPE 8588
2016.11.17 - 10000 core-hours giveaway 5683
2016.09.14 - blueCAPE releases blueCFD-AIR 1.04f 6116
2016.08.11 - Next generation of blueCFD-Core 2016-1 has been released 5286
2014.09.29 - blueCAPE releases blueCFD-AIR 1.04 10077
2014.08.01 - vtkPOFFReader for ParaView 4.1.0 64-bit 11014
2014.07.14 - PyFoam for Windows 13260
2014.06.23 - Technology preview of viscoelasticFluid solver and cfMesh 8387
2014.06.16 - Technology preview of swak4Foam for blueCFD-Core 2.3 8595
2014.04.21 - blueCAPE releases blueCFD-AIR 1.03 8075
2014.04.01 - blueCFD 2.3-1 Product/Service Released 7703
2014.03.06 - blueCAPE releases blueCFD-AIR 1.01 6425
2014.02.19 - blueCAPE releases blueCFD-AIR 1.00 7168
2013.12.19 - blueCAPE releases the technology preview of blueCFD-AIR 8493
2013.08.24 - blueCAPE's on-line services have been upgraded 4362
2013.08.07 - Upgrading blueCAPE's on-line services 5490
2013.02.11 - blueCFD 2.1-2 Product/Service Released 7093
2012.10.15 - blueCAPE NP4457 Certification 6596
2012.02.27 - blueCFD 2.0-2 and 2.1-1 Product/Service Released 9279
2011.12.15 - blueCFD 2.0-1 Product/Service Released 6932
2011.06.27 - About blueCFD 1.7-2 and blueCFD 2.0-1 5509
2010.12.06 - blueCFD Frequently Asked Questions 5163
2010.08.16 - blueCFD 1.7-1 Product/Service Released 4996
2010.07.01 - blueCAPE was present at Many-Core Summer School 4654
2010.01.05 - blueCAPE presents gbXML2STL Exporter 5395
2009.11.11 - blueCFD 1.6-1 Product/Service Released 5328
2008.06.03 - Now part of the Montra do Portugal Inovador 9221
2008.03.12 - Portuguese PME Certification 5910
2007.12.19 - New online page 5274
2007.01.16 - New facilities 4699
2006.07.05 - OPTblue second number 4603
2006.06.23 - blueCAPE goes O'Porto 4669
2006.03.28 - OPTblue first number is out 4491
2006.01.26 - 2nd European modeFRONTIER Partner Meeting 4562
2006.01.09 - blueCAPE in the Press: Cadprojet 4675
2005.11.29 - 1st CFD Seminar Report 4566
2005.11.07 - 1st CFD Practical Seminar in Portugal 4654
2005.10.27 - new contact form 4722
2005.09.23 - blueCAPE prefers open-source software 5929
2005.09.10 - blueCAPE deploys CRM solution 5684
2005.09.06 - blueCAPE number ONE 4502
2005.08.31 - Webpage V0.1 4851
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