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Mission Statement

Enable our customers to increase the Added Value in their products or services through the research, development and application of Computer Aided Engineering methodologies and tools.

Our Values

blueCAPE regulates its activity based of the following set of values:


Constant commitment in upholding a service level with high quality and value. Our success depends on the success of our clients. We always try to anticipate, understand and focus our efforts in the needs of our costumers.


Our activities are led by ethical standards. The way we conduct our business is as important as the results it achieves. Our practice is honest and direct, assuming responsibility for our own actions and honouring commitments and promises.


Maintain a work environment that sustains continuous improvements. Operational excellency guaranties top-class results and is a responsibility of the whole team. In our work processes we seek efficiency, effectiveness and predictability, based on shared information and sustained decisions.


We promote collaborations and inter-functional communications. Internally, each individual’s opinion is considered, differences are respected and we seek to fulfill both the goals of the company, as well as the goals of its collaborators.


Promote a culture of innovation and encourage creativity. It is critical to encourage and develop ideas in all areas of the company. Many times, reaching these goals demands leaving the security of established practices and, by trial-and-error, generate new knowledge.


Inspire and enable each member of the team to reach the goals that drive us. The leadership occurs in all operational levels of the organization. Each member of the team is thus encouraged to act as a leader, to promote innovation and take decisions.


Of the needs and deeds of both clients and collaborators.

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