blueCFD - Working tutorials and applications PDF Print E-mail

This page reflects the tutorials and applications tested by blueCAPE and from reports made by users of blueCFD 1.6 and 1.7. For blueCFD 2.0 and above, see the dedicated page at blueCFD-SingleCore.

Due to the complex nature of the tables we are using, we are now providing the list in PDF format only, available here.
Update on the 27th of December 2011: The list of working tutorials has been updated to properly reflect our findings on blueCFD 1.7. There are at least 3 tutorial cases that did not run as expected.

Warning: the tutorials deemed OK there might not have been fully tested nor compared with the results given by the Linux versions.

Please visit the blueCFD product page for more information on how to acquire this product/service and legal information.

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Comments (2)
RSS comments
1. 22-02-2010 04:31
Thank u for your great work! 
Now I managed to cross-compile the OF-1.6 in context of cygwin-1.7.1-1 platform for ms winXP, according to the tips in wiki. It work so fine! your work give me impression!! 
Thank u. 
This is the my first feedback,I test the tutorial of lagrangian directory, All are OK!  
Best regards, 
Written by qiang (Guest)
2. 12-03-2010 15:12
You're welcome!
Greetings Qiang, 
You're welcome :) I'm glad to hear that someone is already using OpenFOAM 1.6 in Windows, cross-compiled directly in Cygwin! 
Best regards, 
Written by Bruno Santos (Guest)

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