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blueCFD-Core Release Notes PDF Print E-mail

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blueCFD®-Core is both a product and a service that provides of a high quality (cross-)compiled build version of OpenFOAM® for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 8.1 (32 and 64bit, depending on the blueCFD-Core release), with some additional tweaks, executables and scripts, in order to maintain usability under a Windows environment. It provides a near Linux experience through MSys. It also includes the official Paraview binaries, in 32 and 64bit versions. The vtkPOpenFOAMReader is the plug-in used in Paraview, for reading OpenFOAM simulation files, because it offers better support for large files and multi-platform. MPICH2, MS-MPI and Open-MPI are the possible MPI packages used by blueCFD for running OpenFOAM with a multi-core and multi-machine environment in Windows. Paraview uses it's own Open-MPI build for parallel processing, but it can also read multi-processor runs with a single core.

blueCFD ThirdParty is (was) a service package designed to integrate additional free and/or open source software packages provided online into your blueCFD-Core installation. The objectives are: to improve user experience with blueCFD-Core; to provide additional support to those free and open source efforts.

This page provides a complete list of all release notes made so far for blueCFD-Core and blueCFD ThirdParty.

Release Notes for blueCFD:

Release Notes for blueCFD ThirdParty:

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