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The blueCFD® Trade Mark

blueCAPE Lda is a company founded in 2004 with the intent to provide tools and services in the area of ​​computer-aided engineering. blueCAPE specializes in the resolution of problems that involve heat and mass transfer processes, with or without reactive phenomena (the "Field of Expertise").

Many of the tools and services provided by blueCAPE Lda are identified with the blueCFD® registered trade mark (the "Trade mark"). blueCAPE Lda consents to limited use of the blueCFD® trade mark by third parties ("Third Parties") in accordance with the terms set out below:

  1. Third Parties may only use the blueCFD® trade mark solely to reference blueCAPE’s software solutions and services. Referential use is prohibited if such use would defame or decry blueCAPE, its products or services.

  2. Third Parties may only use the blueCFD® trade mark provided that they accurately portray the relationship between blueCAPE Lda and themselves. Third Parties must not imply sponsorship, affiliation or endorsement of themselves or their products or services by blueCAPE, unless a contractual consent has been made.

  3. Any use of the blueCFD® trade mark by Third Parties in connection with the marketing or promotion of any products or services not provided by blueCAPE must include the following statement: "This offering is not approved or endorsed by blueCAPE Lda, the producer of the blueCFD software solutions and services and owner of the blueCFD® trade mark." (the "Disclaimer")

  4. The Disclaimer must appear prominently on each page that provides details of the products and/or services in question in a font size no smaller than half the size of the headline font and in any event no smaller than the body text.

  5. Third Parties should use the registration mark ® in each initial reference to the Trade Mark, whether used in text or otherwise. Wherever the Trade Marks are used a reference must be included, usually in the footnotes or legal information that, for example: "blueCFD® is a registered trade mark of blueCAPE Lda, the producer of the blueCFD software solutions and services."

  6. Third Parties must not describe themselves as "blueCFD developers" unless the work they carry out has been contractually allowed by blueCAPE Lda. Where this is not the case, developers working with blueCFD software solutions may only describe themselves as "a developer using blueCFD technology".

  7. Use by Third Parties must not create confusion or doubt about the ownership of the blueCFD® Trade Mark. Third Parties must not seek or suggest that they have any rights in the Trade Mark and/or any products and/or services provided by blueCAPE Lda.

  8. Third Parties must not market products or services using the blueCFD® Trade Mark or any wording that is confusingly similar to the Trade Mark, or which, without due course, takes unfair advantage of, or is detrimental to, the distinctive character or repute of the Trade Mark.

  9. Third Parties must not incorporate the blueCFD® Trade Mark into the names of their goods, software solutions or services unless they have a specific written agreement or licence from blueCAPE lda permitting them to do so.

  10. Third parties must not incorporate the blueCFD® Trade Mark into any corporate, business or trading name in the same Field of Expertises provided by blueCAPE Lda.

  11. Third parties must not incorporate the blueCFD® Trade Mark into any domain name or sub domain that refers to products or services in the same Field of Expertises provided by blueCAPE Lda.

  12. The blueCFD® Trade Mark must only be used in the same form in which they are registered. Third Parties must not shorten the Trade Marks, or create acronyms, or use different capitalisation in relation to them.

  13. Any and all uses of the blueCFD® Trade Mark by Third Parties otherwise than in accordance with this policy is expressly prohibited.

  14. This policy is not intended to be a definitive or comprehensive list of the proper usage of the blueCFD® Trade Mark, but only an abbreviated guide. blueCAPE Lda reserves the right to object to any use of the Trade Mark that it deems to be unlawful. blueCAPE Lda reserves the right to modify the terms of this policy from time to time without notice. Third Parties should regularly review this policy for any amendments.

  15. Any queries concerning the application of these guidelines should be submitted using our on-line contact form.

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