Home arrow Editorial arrow Latest arrow 2014.08.01 - vtkPOFFReader for ParaView 4.1.0 64-bit

2014.08.01 - vtkPOFFReader for ParaView 4.1.0 64-bit PDF Print E-mail

blueCAPE is proud to announce that we have made available this week a build of vtkPOFFReader for ParaView 4.1.0 64-bit (Windows) at the following locations:

  • For blueCFD®-Core 2.3 users, access the "Patches" folder in the respective download area and download the 3rd patch. This patch is optional and once installed it automatically loads the new plug-in when paraFoam is executed.

  • For the general public, it's available on our open-source project unofficial paraview dev install, fully explained in the wiki page vtkPOFFReaderBuilds on how to build and how to install this plug-in manually.

For those unfamiliar with the vtkPOFFReader plug-in, it's the most recent native reader for opening OpenFOAM cases directly in ParaView, without needing the OpenFOAM libraries. It's code base was introduced into the official VTK and ParaView source code sometime ago, but the most recent developments have not yet reached the latest versions of each respective software. Click on the image below to see the differences between the two readers.

Comparison between the internal .foam reader and the vtkPOFFReader interfaces

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