Home arrow Editorial arrow Latest arrow 2016.11.17 - 10000 core-hours giveaway

2016.11.17 - 10000 core-hours giveaway PDF Print E-mail

blueCAPE announces that it is making available at least one block of up to 10000 core-hours on one of its clusters, to be used in CFD through OpenFOAM®. This block can be spent in just one go or, instead, split into several jobs. Interested parties are invited to send an email to " " with the following details:

1 - identification of the person/persons/company that applies to the give-away;

2 - description of the analysis to be carried out, including which OpenFOAM version and solver will be used;

3 - why the project merits the support;

4 - any questions that you may want to present.

Emails are welcome until December 21, 2016!

blueCAPE will exclusively and irrevocably select the winning project(s).

blueCAPE reserves the right to offer additional core-hours and/or assist the project leaders with some time from its engineers. However, these additional resources are not to be taken as granted at this stage.

If necessary, an NDA can also be arranged.

Any data exchange will occur under a simple - and manual - process:

1 - a case is uploaded to a secure cloud location;

2 - we collect the case and submit its execution;

3 - results are copied back to the cloud.

blueCAPE hereby waives any compensation for whatever support ends up being delivered.

This offering is not approved or endorsed by OpenCFD Limited, producer and distributor of the OpenFOAM software and owner of the OPENFOAM® and OpenCFD® trade marks.

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