Please visit the product page for more information on how to acquire this product/service and legal information.
blueCFD®-Core is both a product and a service that provides of a high quality (cross-)compiled build version of OpenFOAM® for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 8.1 (32 and 64bit, depending on the blueCFD-Core release), with some additional tweaks, executables and scripts, in order to maintain usability under a Windows environment. It provides a near Linux experience through MSys. It also includes the official Paraview binaries, in 32 and 64bit versions. The vtkPOpenFOAMReader is the plug-in used in Paraview, for reading OpenFOAM simulation files, because it offers better support for large files and multi-platform. MPICH2, MS-MPI and Open-MPI are the possible MPI packages used by blueCFD for running OpenFOAM with a multi-core and multi-machine environment in Windows. Paraview uses it's own Open-MPI build for parallel processing, but it can also read multi-processor runs with a single core.
blueCFD ThirdParty is (was) a service package designed to integrate additional free and/or open source software packages provided online into your blueCFD-Core installation. The objectives are: to improve user experience with blueCFD-Core; to provide additional support to those free and open source efforts.
This page provides a complete list of all release notes made so far for blueCFD-Core and blueCFD ThirdParty.
(Wednesday, 14 December 2011) Written by Administrator
Please visit the product page for more information on how to acquire this product/service and legal information.
blueCFD ThirdParty is a service package designed to integrate additional free and/or open source software packages provided online into your blueCFD installation. The objectives are: to improve user experience with blueCFD; to provide additional support to those free and open source efforts.
(Wednesday, 14 December 2011) Written by Administrator
Please visit the product page for more information on how to acquire this product/service and legal information.
blueCFD is both a product and a service that provides of a high quality cross-compiled build version of OpenFOAM® for Windows XP, Vista and Seven (32 and 64bit), with some additional tweaks, executables and scripts, in order to maintain usability under a Windows environment. It provides a near Linux experience through MSys. It also includes the official Paraview 3.12.0, in 32 and 64bit versions. The vtkPOpenFOAMReader is the plug-in used in Paraview, for reading OpenFOAM simulation files, because it offers better support for large files and multi-platform. MPICH2, MS-MPI and Open-MPI are the possible MPI packages used by blueCFD for running OpenFOAM with a multi-core and multi-machine environment in Windows. Paraview uses it's own Open-MPI build for parallel processing, but it can also read multi-processor runs with a single core.
Other Third Party software is and will be integrated as part of the blueCFD service and will be further described in the respective installation package.