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- Description:
This is a technology preview of the source code for the viscoelastic fluid solver and libraries that have been adapted from the foam-extend project. This source code is ready to be built on blueCFD-Core 2.3.
In addition, we invite users to give us feedback on this port for blueCFD-Core, so that we can integrate it into the future release of blueCFD-Core 2.3-2.
To build/install this small toolkit in your blueCFD-Core 2.3 installation, please follow these steps:
- Download this file "viscoelasticSource-RC-2.3-1.tar.gz".
- Go to the Start Menu -> Programs -> blueCFD-Core 2.3 -> Browse blueCFD-Core folder.
- In the Windows Explorer interface that has opened, go into the folder "ofuser-2.3" and place the downloaded file there.
- Start an MSys terminal.
- Run the following commands (it can take 5 to 30 minutes to build swak4Foam):
tar -xf viscoelasticSource-RC-2.3-1.tar.gz
cd viscoelasticSource-RC-2.3-1
wmake all > log.make 2>&1
wmake all > log.make 2>&1
Note: Yes, the last line is repeated twice, so that it gives a summary of the build process at the end. The command wmMC is for building with all available processors available in your machine.
- Once it's finished running the commands above, check the contents of the file "log.make" and search for any specific "Error" messages.
If all went well, you can now use the solver viscoelasticFluidFoam! Go to the folder "tutorials" to try out the tutorials provided therein.
- Submitted On:
23 Jun 2014
- File Size:
115.52 Kb
- Downloads:
- File Version:
- File Date:
23 Jun 2014
- Rating:
Total Votes:0