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blueCFD-AIR Installer for 64-bit Windows Download


Inside this ZIP file is the blueCFD-AIR 1.04f installer for Windows 64-bit, compatible with the following Windows versions:

  • Windows XP

  • Windows Vista

  • Windows 7

  • Windows 8 and 8.1

  • Windows 10

blueCFD-AIR 1.04f provides by default a Cost-Free License, with all features available with no time constraint. Please use the contact form for requesting support.

For more information visit the blueCFD-AIR product page.
Submitted On:
14 Sep 2016
File Size:
65,628.49 Kb
blueCFD-AIR is provided solely by blueCAPE Lda. Redistribution is not authorized without permission.
File Version:
File Date:
14 Sep 2016
Total Votes:0
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