blueCAPE´s Official Website :: File Repository RSS

blueCFD-Core 2.3 RSS

Here are the files for blueCFD-Core 2.3, accessible only to blueCFD-Core users.
Inside you will find the downloadable files for blueCFD-Core 2.3.

Containers Folders/Files



Here are the downloadable installers and related packages for blueCFD-Core 2.3.


In this folder are Manuals for blueCFD-Core 2.3 that can be updated independently from the blueCFD installers.


Here are the patches for blueCFD-Core 2.3 binaries and code.

Source codes

In this folder is provided source code for additional and toolkits. The OpenFOAM and ThirdParty source code is provided with the main blueCFD-Core installer/installation.
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