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Welcome to blueCAPE's Download Center. Feel free to browse.

The images and other multimedia files provided by blueCAPE are under a Creative Commons License.
Softwares provided by this site, when no license is specified, are free, but the source code isn't open.
Containers Folders/Files


Here are the softwares that blueCAPE provides for free. Keep in mind that these are provided with NO WARRANTY! But if you do have problems with them, please report it to us on our contact page.


Here are the leaflets with information about blueCAPE's services and products.


Here are blueCAPE's Newsletters.



This is blueCFD-AIR's download area.

blueCFD-Core 2.3

Here are the files for blueCFD-Core 2.3, accessible only to blueCFD-Core users.
Inside you will find the downloadable files for blueCFD-Core 2.3.

blueCFD-Core 2016


Here are the links to the downloadable files that are provided on our blueCFD-Core project at Github.

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